Our predictive solution begins with our proprietary 5 step process, meticulously designed for self-employed and business owners and guarantees efficiency and peace of mind.
Our streamlined automated solutions are designed to not only ensure productivity by reducing paperwork by up 75% , but it also empowers self-employed and business owners to make informed decisions so that their business can grow, innovate and thrive.
Step 1 : Begin your journey by subscribing to FTS via Synergix website.
Subscription is simple and straightforward, requiring basic details to set up your account.
After subscription, access will be granted to our suite of features and personalised Dashboard specifically designed to meet of self-employed individuals and small business owners.
Step 1 : Begin your journey by subscribing to FTS via Synergix website.
Subscription is simple and straightforward, requiring basic details to set up your account.
After subscription, access will be granted to our suite of features and personalised Dashboard specifically designed to meet of self-employed individuals and small business owners.
Step 1 : Begin your journey by subscribing to FTS via Synergix website.
Subscription is simple and straightforward, requiring basic details to set up your account.
After subscription, access will be granted to our suite of features and personalised Dashboard specifically designed to meet of self-employed individuals and small business owners.